Posts: Remaining Positive through Distance Learning

1/11/2022 1:28 PM by alex.yaychuk

Apologies in advance for the length of this message but I do ask that you take
the time to read its entirety.



Welcome to the first official day of learning of the 2022 year. Our teachers
have reached out to you with information on what to expect for learning
experiences for your children. While paper-based learning options are available
for all classroom tasks, some Grade 3-5 families have the option of choosing
either virtual or learning packets as a preferred format. We ask that these
families confirm with their child’s teacher prior to coming to the school for
pick-up(if needed).


Our 1st pick-up times for work packets at the school started last
night and will continue this week during the hours of 8:30am-3:30pm. If these
hours do not align well with your schedules, we encourage you to reach out to
your child’s teacher or the front office (453-5409).


Although distance learning is not the preferred method of schooling, the
Garden Creek staff are remaining positive and choosing to see this scenario as
an opportunity to promote independent work and student ownership. We encourage families to try and keep
a positive and resilient mindset as well


As with previous distance learning scenarios, it is important that families
and teachers keep an open line of communication in order to make this format
work. Our teachers will be continuing with daily check-in opportunities. If
faced with what feels like an overwhelming expectation of school work, we ask that families keep an
open-mind, remain solution-driven, and make every effort to reach out to their
child’s teacher for clarification/support


With an uncertain end-date to distance learning, it is suggested that
families do their best to maintain a level of engagement between their child and
the school. Garden Creek believes that the mental health and well-being of your
child depends greatly on their ability to connect with the school while
maintaining their identity as a Creeker. By
establishing daily school routines, parents/guardians can make all of the
difference in making the best out of distance learning
. Of
course, not all family circumstances are the same so be sure to ask your
teacher for advice in finding attainable and manageable alternatives.


Finally, keep in mind that even with your best efforts, student progress
will still have its hurdles. Rest assured that upon your child’s return to Garden Creek, their teacher
will re-evaluate their current levels of understanding and teach them where
they are in their learning


Thank you once again for your patience, understanding, and flexibility!


 Alex Yaychuk


Acting Principal

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