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January 27
2018 Global George meetings until end of school year

All meetings on Monday, in Mme MK’s room: 3-4:30

​ ​Monday January 22: Buy a GOAT campaign planning

Monday February 12: GOAT campaign update and look at WE are Silent

Monday March 19: WE are Silent (update, last minute stuff to do) and Plan Twitti Book Sale  Patricia Ellsworth our special guest.

Friday April 27: 3pm to 5pm (set up Twitti Book sale-10 students)

Saturday April 28: 8am-3pm (Twitti Book Sale – 2 shifts)

Monday May 7: Plan WE Stand Together for June

Monday June 11: 3-4pm Potluck as we celebrate our awesome year!​​

February 21
Monday March 20, next meeting, 3-4 in Mme MK's room.
February 04
NO meeting on Monday February 6, 2017.

​Our next meeting will be for the 10 students going to visit the Veteran's hospital on Monday February 13. Valentine for Vets.  See you at 3pm in my classroom.  We will drive there and parents are to pick you up at 4:30 at the Veteran's hospital.

Mme MK

January 14
January meeting

​Hello all GG members,

An e-mail was sent Satruday afternoon (Jan. 14) to you all about our meetings. Make sure you check it out. 

Mme MK

December 09
December information

​Meeting scheduled for Monday December 12 is cancelled.

We sold 295 Rafikis!! Way to go everyone. They will arrive Thursday December 22.

See you at our next meeting Monday January 23, at 3 pm.

Mme M-K

October 29
Next meeting is....

​Monday November 14 however we ask that ALL committee members NOT on SRC, to please make plans to attend on Monday November 7. The Greener Village food truck will be here and we will load up the truck and take a group picture. If you are part of SRC, you will go to your SRC meeting and you will be called up when we take the group picture.

Mme MK and Mrs. Brooks

October 13
Global George committee meeting Monday, October 17, 3-4pm, Mme MK's room.

​We will organize and get our WE Scare Hunger campaing going and organized.​

September 28
Global George committee meeting Monday, October 3rd, 3-4pm, Mme MK's room.
September 17
Global George 2016-2017 committee

​Thank you to all students that applied to be a member of Global George.  Unfortunately, we only had room for 30 students.  The selection process was not an easy one.  We appreciate your efforts and hope you will particpate in many endeavours Global George will be doing this school year.

September 03
Global George recruiting new members!

​Global George is recruiting 30 members for the school year.  Applications forms are available from your homeroom teacher or at the office.  They are due Thursday Sept. 15 at 10:50 am. Our first meeting will be Monday September 19 at 3pm in Mme Martin-Keilty's room.