Posts: 2018 Global George meetings until end of school year

1/27/2018 12:33 PM by lise.martinkeilty

All meetings on Monday, in Mme
MK’s room: 3-4:30

Monday January 22: Buy a GOAT campaign planning

Monday February 12: GOAT campaign update and look at WE are Silent

Monday March 19: WE are Silent (update, last minute stuff to
do) and Plan Twitti Book Sale  Patricia
Ellsworth our special guest.

Friday April 27: 3pm to 5pm (set up Twitti
Book sale-10 students)

Saturday April 28: 8am-3pm (Twitti Book Sale –
2 shifts)

Monday May 7: Plan WE Stand Together for June

Monday June 11: 3-4pm Potluck as we
celebrate our awesome year!

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