Posts: Make It Sow seed fundraiser

2/21/2023 2:38 PM by michelle.ashfield

The  Make It Sow seed fundraiser is here! 


All students recieved a
catalogue, order form (MakeIt Sow - 2023 Order V2.pdf), and an envelope to return their cash/cheques. This is an electronic version of the catalogue. Make It Sow -Catalogue.pdf


Students can begin collecting orders between now and March 20th when the
fundraiser ends.


Collection dates will be the next three Mondays (Feb 27, Mar.
13, and Mar. 20). 


Lots of great prizes to be won. 


The order will be placed by March 22nd, and we anticipate having the seeds
to send home during the first week of April. 


If students are selling to neighbours, please record house numbers or phone numbers, so its easy to deliver the seeds when they arrive. 


 Happy gardening!


GSMS Home and School Committee

Category: Featured News for Special Events
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