FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
November 22
Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)

6H Homeroom:

Parent-Teacher: Nov 23 & 24th

Rafikis on sale next week.

Please take gym clothes home for washing every Friday.
Please do homework and then get agenda signed each night. 
Map Mini-project: Students are to make up a rough draft map of their neighbourhood. They will be working on good copies next week in class.  They have prepared a list of what makes up their neighbourhood, including trails and streams for those of us who live in the woods. Clouds, rocks and flowers do not count, but a garden does, especially if it is a substantial size. They are to go on Google Maps to look at their own place and indicate on their sketch where north is. They should make NORTH at the top of the page and draw the map accordingly.
All of the students are looking for news items on different continents. They have a hand-out which explains this activity. A news item (actualité) has to be recent, within the last 2 weeks. We have 12 assigned at a time with 3 presentation of 4 students per week. Those who do not yet have a continent will be assigned one by the end of next week for the following week. We want to avoid repeat news items, so they have to listen carefully to the presentations of their classmates.
 Extra help available: Day 3 at Options
Students are working on their own daily routine. They are making a schedule of a typical school day. They will be presenting this orally in class soon along with a few more things as we develop the project.  Stay tuned. More to follow.
We are also working on classroom vocabulary, the seasons and weather and doing some reading together.
There is a website with free educational games I use in class and if students would like to use it:
Search: logiciel éducatif on Google and it will pop up.


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