FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
January 12
Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
6H Homeroom:
Please take gym clothes home for washing every Friday.
Please do homework and then get agenda signed each night. 
Test: LUNDI - Prince puissant
We finished an article on Saudi Arabia. We will have a quiz on Monday. It is multiple choice and true or false. Students had a chance to study and discuss during class time and we did some questions on it as well.
New items start again next week.  There is a great deal of news.  Students are asked to look around for news items for a different country and continent than their last one. 
 Extra help available: Day 3 at Options
6I & 6J :
Students are presenting their projects and working on communicating orally about winter. They are also reading about winter.  There will be testing in the next few weeks.


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