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June 13
Monsieur Boudreau Français 6A, 6B & 6C

Texte d'opinion:  Good copy is due tomorrow as students are presenting Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.

June 09
Monsieur Boudreau  Français 6A, 6B & 6C

Texte d'opinion​ : Students are to complete their draft copy only for Monday.  Students have a choice of using 1, 2 or 3 reasons for their position.  We revise and work on the good copy on Monday.

June 05
Science Homework - 6ABCD - Monday, June 5th, 2023

Reminder - Students will have a quiz tomorrow on the electromagnetic spectrum. All classes have completed and corrected a review-sheet and pre-quiz in preparation for our quiz tomorrow (pre-quiz answer key attached). ems pre-quiz answer key.pdfems pre-quiz answer key.pdfI have also created a Kahoot game that students may wish to play at home to help them prepare for the quiz. I have created separate links for each class as a maximum of 40 participants per game is permitted (see below). 

June 05
Academic Group H and E - Math - Mrs. Jessome


1)  Test on Monday, June 12.  For this test students must be able to:  1)  write a formula for perimeter and find the perimeter using the formula and a balanced equation, 2)  find the area and volume of rectangles using a formula and a balanced equation, 3)  determine the pattern rule from a pattern (diagram), a scenerio (word problem), a Table of Values or a graph, 4)  change the pattern rule into an expression, 5)  use the expression (substitution) to answer (evaluate) a question and 6)  graph a Table of Values.

2)  Complete all of Patterns and Relations - Graphing Worksheet for Wednesday, June 7.  See below for another copy of the worksheet

Patterns and Relations -Graphing Worksheet.pdfPatterns and Relations -Graphing Worksheet.pdf

June 05
6H - Post Intensive French Homework - Monday, June 5th, 2023

Final website for summer camps (Sway homepage with links) is due on Friday, June 9th. Please submit the link to your Sway homepage using the form that is posted on MS Teams. Models for each part of the website are available on MS Teams.

Oral Interviews will be conducted next week to assess students' ability to answer questions about their summer camp in French. Outline of questions including relevant vocabulary and sentence structure is attached. Students were also given a copy of this in class today.evaluation oral - camp pour ados (PIF 2023).docxevaluation oral - camp pour ados (PIF 2023).docx

May 29
Academic Group G - Science - Mrs. Jessome

Science - Electricity Unit Test tomorrow (Tuesday, May 30). ​

May 29
Academic Group H and E - Math - Mrs. Jessome


1)  Complete Using Variables to Describe Patterns Worksheet for Wednesday, May 31.  See below for another copy of the worksheet.

Using Variables to Describe Patterns Worksheet.pdfUsing Variables to Describe Patterns Worksheet.pdf

2)  Algebra Quiz on Friday, June 2

Science - Electricity Unit Test tomorrow (Tuesday, May 30). 

May 24
Academic Group H and E - Math - Mrs. Jessome

Math - Complete ALL of Pattern Rules, Expressions and Substitutions Worksheet for Friday, May 26.  See below for another copy of the worksheet.

Pattern Rules_Expressions_Substitutions Worksheet.pdfPattern Rules_Expressions_Substitutions Worksheet.pdf

Science - Electricity Unit Test on Tuesday, May 30. The 3 information items that students are making cue cards from are:  1)  Bill Nye:  Electricity, 2)  Electricity in our Daily Lives and 3)  Electricity Usage Notes.  Students have been taught the cue card studying method and are making cue cards in class to use to prepare/study for the test.  Students should be studying 15 minutes each night to prepare for the test.​​

May 24
6ABCD Science - Mme Marks - Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

​Students in 6ABC and D will have a science quiz on the Electromagnetic Spectrum on Tuesday, June 6th. Quiz outline and relevant notes are attached.In preparation for the quiz, students will complete and correct a review sheet and practice quiz as well as make cue cards to help them with their studying. A minimum of 15-20 minutes of review each night is recommended.Clé - Notes de jigsaw - spectre électromagnétique - LFI 2022.pdfClé - Notes de jigsaw - spectre électromagnétique - LFI 2022.pdf  Quiz Outline - Electromagnetic spectrum (LFI 2022).pdfQuiz Outline - Electromagnetic spectrum (LFI 2022).pdf

May 17
Academic Group H and E - Math and Science - Mrs. Jessome

Math - Complete all of Questions 1 and 2 on Intro to Algebra work packet for Friday, May 19.  See below for another copy of the work packet.

Intro to Algebra_Pattern Rules.pdfIntro to Algebra_Pattern Rules.pdf

Science - Electricity Unit Test on Tuesday, May 30. The 3 information items that students are making cue cards from are:  1)  Bill Nye:  Electricity, 2)  Electricity in our Daily Lives and 3)  Electricity Usage Notes.  Students have been taught the cue card studying method and are making cue cards in class to use to prepare/study for the test.  Students should be studying 15 minutes each night to prepare for the test.​

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