Posts: Upcoming Events

11/21/2021 6:04 PM by Julie.Holt

Home & School Coffee Orders

Coffee has arrived and will be going home this week. Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser. Your caffeine fix will arrive soon.

PSSC and Home & School Meeting - Thursday, November 25th

Meetings start at 6pm via Teams. 

Report Card & Parent-Teacher Interviews

Report Cards will be going home on Monday, November 29th. Teachers will be sending home a letter this week that indicates when they are available for interviews. They are looking forward to spoeaking with you about your child.

Friday, December 3rd - Parent-Teacher & Professional Learning for Staff 

Parent-Teacher interview times will be offered the morning of December 3rd. During the afternoon staff will be taking part in Professional Learning activities. This is a non-school day for students.

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