Posts: Link Program

11/24/2017 10:07 AM by michelle.pugh

We have started the Link program at our school. This service allows students to connect with trained adults in our building when they need someone to talk to – these adults are called Link Companions. Companions listen empathically and non-judgmentally to students and provide them access to community services through a Helping Tree.

 In our school, we have chosen to add our grade 5 students to this program as we felt this bridge year between elementary and middle school brings some challenging issues that students may wish to talk about.
As a caretaker, you may find the Helping Tree to be of interest to you as you may not be aware of all the supports that are available in our surrounding community. The purpose of the Link program is to strengthen the bond between school, home, and community.
For more information regarding this program and to access the Helping Tree for yourself, please follow the following link:
Click on “Helping Tree” at the top and then click on our region of Fredericton. Services are listed under presenting issues.

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