Posts: Grade 9 Introduction and School Hours for 2021-2022

8/22/2021 7:22 PM by jeff.holder

Good evening Parents/Guardians and Grade 9 Students.

My name is Jeff Holder and as Principal it is my pleasure to welcome you to Leo Hayes High School. Our school is home to over 1500 students from Grades 9-12 with a staff of almost 100 professional teachers and support staff of over 50. On behalf of all our dedicated staff Welcome!
The last year and a half for all students and families has been an unprecedented one in education.  The school system has worked hard to provide a quality education experience for all our students. 

This year, while some aspects of the school daily routine will return; there will be some things that we still need to manage as part of our ongoing management of the Covid-19 pandemic. 
More information is available on the Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) website about the Healthy Schools process for this year. 

Making the transition to high school can be one that some students, and families, are anxious about.  As the parent of two LHHS grads, I can tell you that the experience in this school from the first day of grade 9 to the last day of grade 12 is an excellent one.  
For our students, the best transition is to come to school each day, be curious, ask questions and take an active part in your learning and the extra-curricular activities that exist.  
The more involved you are the more you will enjoy your time here. 

Our staff is currently just getting ready to return to work. 

Our school website is now starting to get updated with information, but more will appear in the days ahead.  One of the biggest questions will most likely be when does school start and stop and what do I need for school supplies. 
Leo Hayes has a five-period bell schedule, with a lunch period, a Homeroom period and transition time between classes.  Students need to be in their homeroom class by 8:45AM. 
The warning bell will go at 8:40AM. School ends at 3:30PM.  A detailed bell schedule will be posted to the LHHS website in the coming days.
At Leo Hayes we do not have a standard school supply list as students take a wide variety of classes.  Many students come with two zippered binders, one for morning classes and one for afternoon classes.  
They will need loose-leaf, graph paper, pens, and pencils to start.  Subject teachers may want specific things and they will provide a list of needed supplies during the first week of classes. 
More information will come soon about Grade 9 orientation day, and more general information you will need to start the year. I look forward to meeting all our grade 9 students as they begin their first year of high school.
Until then, enjoy the last weeks of summer vacation. Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to welcoming you to Leo Hayes High School on Tuesday, September 7. 

Thank you

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