Posts: LHHS ELPA/ELPR and Update

3/4/2022 4:41 PM by natalie.capson-danie

The following is an update from



As we begin our March Break I want
to take a moment to wish all our students and families a wonderful and safe
holiday and we look forward to welcoming you back to LHHS on Monday, March 14th.



It has been my pleasure to serve
as the principal of LHHS, however, I will be taking a leave from my position to
take on another role in government and effective March 14th, Dan
Wilton will become principal of LHHS.  Mr. Wilton has been a long serving
administrator here at LHHS and brings a wealth of experience to this position.  With that, I want to thank you for the opportunity
to serve as the LHHS principal and I am going to turn the remainder of this
announcement over to our new principal, Mr. Wilton.





The following is an update on the English
Language Proficiency Assessment (Gr 9) and Re-Assessment (Gr 11&12).



The ELPA is an assessment of
students’ reading comprehension skills based on the end of grade eight
standards and outcomes.



Who Participates?


The ELPA is compulsory for all
grade nine students, unless an exemption has been granted. It is a high school
graduation requirement in NB.


Students in grades 11 and 12 who
were either unsuccessful in grade nine, or did not live in NB in grade nine,
have opportunities to write the assessment again. Grade 10 students do not



When is the ELPA/ELPR?


LHHS plans to hold the ELPA the
week of March 28th, 2022. Students will have had opportunity to do practice
assessments prior to the ELPA.


Grade 9 students will write with
their English Language Arts teachers. Grade 11 students who still have an
incomplete status will write in the auxiliary gym the morning of Tuesday, March
29th. Grade 12 students who still have an incomplete status will write in an
assigned classroom the morning of Wednesday, March 30th.



The on-line assessment usually
takes 90 minutes, but students can take up to 180 minutes if needed.


Technical requirements:


Students need to bring their own
technology to complete the assessment on the assigned dates. Tech requirements


Any device that supports a modern
standards compliant browser, including:


PCs, Macs, and tablets running
Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, and Android.


Supported browsers include: Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge. Note** Internet Explorer is
not supported.


Recommended screen size: 8 inches;
Resolution: 1280x720


Students writing the ELPA will should
have brought home an information sheet this week. More info is available on the
school website.



Driver’s Education:



First Rate Drivers is starting
another class for LHHS students on March 21st. This class is live
streamed and runs Mondays and Wednesdays over four weeks from 5PM to 8:30PM
each evening. Information is available in the main office or online at by clicking on
the courses tab. Be sure to register early to secure your spot.



Thank you and have safe and enjoyable
March Break.



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