Posts: A note for my English 122 and 121 classes (April 3)

4/3/2020 1:50 PM by kristi.williston

Hi Everyone, 

I have sent out an email to all your parents/guardians and added them to my contact list. If your parent/guardian has not received one yet, please have them email me at to have them added to the list. I am asking all of my English 122 and English 121 students to send me an email from their preferred email address (it does not have to be your nbss account, it just has to be one you check regularly!) so I can have an up-do-date contact list for all of you.

I am encouraging everyone to check out FreshGrade  for all new announcements and to stay up to date on any future materials and learning options I send out. If you do not have access to FG, I can email you that material directly- just let me know! 

To log in to FG, you can bypass the login screen by clicking "I have an account" under the green button that reads "View Portfolio". At the bottom again, click "Go to District Login" and use your student login and password- the same one you would use to log in to the school wifi.

Stay safe and take good care of yourself and each other :) We will be in touch!

-Ms. W

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