FEC Liverpool Street School > Teachers > Posts > This Week in Grade 4 Burrell - Nov 14-17
November 10
This Week in Grade 4 Burrell - Nov 14-17
Important Dates
November 13 - No School
November 20 - Report Cards Home
November 23-24 - Parent Teacher Interviews
We have a few short weeks ahead with lots of assessment taking place before report cards go home. Mr. Lakes (St. Thomas Teacher Candidate) and I will be working closely with the students this week to help determine their reading, writing, math and health goals for report cards. Parent Teacher will take place next week, however, I am flexible with my times and will book a meeting on Tuesday after school, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday beginning at 3:15. A notice will be sent on on the 14th for you to return. If you do not feel the need to meet please let me know. I can also complete a phone interview if that is also easier for you.
Reading - Mr. Lakes will be conducting numerous read-alouds and mini lessons on reading strategies. Student’s wild be assessed as well for reporting purposes and next steps.
Writing – Students will develop a rubric of what good writing looks like to use for self-assessment purposes. Students will also be producing a piece of writing for reporting purposes and next step goals.
Math – We will have a numeracy lead join us from district over the next two weeks. During that time we will incorporate a guided math structure where students work independently and in small groups to show what they know.
December Scholastic – New flyers will be sent home this week and must be returned by Dec 1.


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