Posts: April 2018 - Nighthawks and Athletes of the Month

5/24/2018 9:04 PM by tracy.graham

Annastasia Grant 
Nighthawk of the Month for Volunteerism
This award is presented in recognition of your volunteerism at Nackawic High School. You have stepped up to the plate on numerous occasions to help fundraise for prom this year. You stood in for every shift at Cal’s for grocery bagging. You volunteered to walk around selling tickets for different items prom had for sale this year. You came and helped out at parent teacher and the paint night. You have always been quick to say yes for every task and it is truly appreciated. Having the extra hands and coming through when saying you will really makes all the difference in the fundraising efforts. You are a role model to all students.
Azrieal Spencer
Nighthawk of the Month Motivation and Dedication

This award is presented in recognition of your motivation and dedication at Nackawic High School. Whenever a task is at hand, whether big or small, you can be counted on to step up and take it on. On the rugby team, you have the best attendance, and always arrive early to set up and stay late to clean up.  You spent the most hours at a fundraiser for rugby, only to walk over to another fundraiser and serve more hours – therefore volunteering 7 hours in one day.  You are kind hearted, ambitious and extremely coachable. You also recently won an award for Outstanding Actor at Drama Festival. You are a role model to all students.
Joe Patterson
Nighthawk of the Month for Citizenship

This award is presented in recognition of your citizenship at Nackawic High School. You enter the school each day with a smile. All interactions you have with teachers and fellow students are polite and respectful. You always do the little things, like saying hi, holding doors, and helping others. You are trustworthy and a good student. You are a new student to the area this year and you have been a welcome addition to the NHS community. You are a role model to all students.
Zoe Brewer
Nighthawk of the Month for Academic Achievement and Attitude

This award is presented in recognition of your academic achievement and positive attitude at Nackawic High School. You come to class prepared each and every day. In every aspect of the class or subject, you give100 percent, as your high average demonstrates. You take pride in your work and always keep a pleasant attitude. Not only are you interested in achieving high goals for yourself, but you strive to help others achieve theirs as well. You are also always kind and polite. This spring you were a dedicated member of the JV Girls Volleyball team. You are a pleasure to have in the school. You are a role model to all students.
Levi Pike - Nighthawk of the Month for Academic Achievement and Commitment
This award is presented in recognition of your academic achievement and commitment at Nackawic High School. You are a pleasure to have in any class. You take your school work seriously, and it shows. You work diligently in class, helping others, and participating in class discussions. You were also an active member of Math League this year and you recently attended the UNB Math Competition in Fredericton. You are a role model to all students.
Ben Wilson
Athlete of the Month - Senior Boys' Volleyball

You are an elite setter, being recognized by teammates, coaches, officials and opponents. Your ability to make unbelievable and exciting plays is the norm. You are a great team leader—always putting your teammates first, you respect the game and those in it and most importantly you always have fun. You have demonstrated what being a student-athlete is all about.
Emma Bradbury

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