Posts: Winter Camp 2019

10/10/2018 9:11 AM by stephanie.mcgrath2

From February 2 to February 9, a number of Chinese students and chaperones will be travelling to New Brunswick to participate in Winter Camp, 2019. Nackawic High School has hosted 13 students and 2 chaperones over the past two years and we are hoping to expand the program this year. Those who have hosted in the past can attest that it is a very exciting and worthwhile week. This year, we are seeking host families to accommodate 8 to 10 students at NHS. Chinese students and their host student will take part in numerous Canadian cultural activities which could include downhill and cross-country skiing, hockey, skating, curling, snowshoeing, a sleigh ride, bowling, cooking and more. The costs of activities for Chinese students and the host students are covered by the program. This year, host families will receive a $50 gift card as a gesture of appreciation for welcoming a guest into their home. If you are interested in hosting a Chinese student in your home for a week, or if you would like more information about this program, please contact Sean Newlands at 575-6020 or at We need to confirm participation in this program by Friday, November 16.

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