Posts: ​NHS Nighthawk of the Month for March 2019

4/15/2019 9:09 AM by tracy.graham

Camryn Newlands


of the Month for Leadership, Academics and Positive Attitude


This award is presented in recognition of your leadership,
academic achievement and positive attitude at Nackawic High School. You are a
very conscientious student. You strive to do your best in class at all times.
You help other students when needed, and you always have your work done on time
with a high level of proficiency. You always come to class with a positive
attitude. You arrive in class each day in a good mood and you brighten the
room. You are also an important member of the Student Leadership Group. You
attend every meeting and can be counted on to deliver on the tasks that you
take on. You are also involved with the NHS drama club, Reach for the Top and
TADD. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected
Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2019.




Gracie Bourgoin


of the Month for Enthusiasm and Citizenship


This award
is presented in recognition of your enthusiasm and citizenship at Nackawic High
School. You are a very positive and enthusiastic student. You approach your
assignments with creativity and always put forth your best effort. You can
often be spotted lending a helping hand to your classmates who are struggling
with tasks. You work well with others and you are also an independent learner.
You pride yourself on the quality of your work and you approach tasks with a
unique and innovative perspective. You also maintain positive relationships
with your peers and your teachers. You are a role model to all students.
Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2019.






Kaycee Currie


of the Month for Academic Achievement


This award is presented in recognition of your academic
achievement at Nackawic High School. You are a pleasure to have in the
classroom. You are a very intelligent young lady and you excel in all of your
courses, earning a spot on the Principal’s Honor Roll. You hand in all assignments
on time and you are valuable member of the class when it comes to discussions
and group work. Your peers learn from your original ideas and critical thinking
skills. You also have a great sense of humour and you are always willing to
lend a hand to your peers when they need it. You have strong beliefs concerning
right and wrong and in the end you always do what you believe is right. You are
a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of
the Month for March, 2019.




Miriam Connor


of the Month for Dedication and Leadership


This award is presented in recognition of your dedication
and leadership at Nackawic High School. You are a pleasure to teach. You always
participate in class discussions, you help others around you, you have a great
sense of humour, and you have an excellent work ethic. You are a very well
rounded student who is a part of many different clubs, including Reach for the
Top and Impact. You take on a leadership role in many areas within the school
and you are always willing to lend a helping hand. You take pride in your work
and in your responsibilities. You are a great example for others to follow. You
are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk
of the Month for March, 2019.




Sydney Estey


of the Month for Citizenship and Leadership


This award is presented in recognition of your citizenship
and leadership in the classroom at Nackawic High School. You have been a
wonderful addition to Theatre Arts class. You have taken on a significant
leadership role and you do this with respect for all students

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