Posts: Nighthawks of the Month September 2019

10/21/2019 10:39 AM by tracy.graham



This award is presented in recognition of your outstanding
display of citizenship. You always have a positive attitude. You treat everyone
with kindness and respect and never have a negative word to say about anyone.
Your work in your career exploration course this semester has been a great help
to the office and to the custodians. You are happy to do any task that needs to
be done.  You are a perfect example of
the kind of attitude Nackawic Nighthawks should display daily. Congratulations
on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for September 2019.




This award is presented in recognition of your outstanding
display of work ethic and leadership. 
You are an excellent skilled trade’s student.  You bring with you a
great amount of previous experience and knowledge.  You put this knowledge
to good use and are a leader in the shop.  You can always be found working
diligently and are very open to helping others.  In the classroom you work
hard and always have assigned work completed to a high standard. Congratulations
on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for September 2019.




This award is presented in recognition of your leadership. 
Along with your fellow classmates, you went way above and beyond the
expectations for Terry Fox Fundraising this year. You were very eager to
organize fully, properly plan and completely facilitate each of their
fundraisers - 50/50 tickets, Car washes and Nighthawks Movie Night. Each of
these fundraisers were extremely successful, with the fundraisers raising over
$600 on their own, contributing to the class total of over $1100.  You
have also been very eager to get started on the mural paintings in the ISD
offices and hallway. You are a leader in the classroom, always taking time and
effort to complete what is asked of you and your interactions with classmates
is inclusive and sincere. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the
Month for September 2019.




This award is presented in recognition of your outstanding
display of leadership. You have taken on a leadership role this year serving as
vocal coach and assistant director for the N.E.S. musical production.  You are preparing lesson plans and running
rehearsals for the elementary students as part of your Music 112 independent
study. You and your band practice regularly and intend to perform at assemblies
through the school year. You are heavily involved with helping organize the
first-ever NHS school musical, Little Shop of Horrors, where you have been cast
in the lead role. You are also a member of Best Buddies and are a positive role
model to all students and a great asset to NHS. Congratulations on being
selected Nighthawk of the Month for September 2019.




This award is presented in recognition of your outstanding
display of leadership. You demonstrate leadership in many ways. You are a
dedicated student who is a pleasure to have in class. You are involved in many
extra-curricular activities such as, TADD, Best Buddies, Student Leadership, We
Day, etc., often taking on a leadership role in these groups. You show
initiative in coming up with new ideas and getting the ball rolling. You are
friendly to the students and staff of NHS and is always smiling!  Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk
of the Month for September 2019.



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