Posts: ​Nighthawks of the Month for February/March 2020

5/5/2020 3:52 PM by tracy.graham






You take
pride in your work and are always willing to lend a hand when needed.   You are kind and respectful, and always
willing to assist those that need help. 
During the dismantling of the BBT lab, you were extremely helpful,
moving materials, taking out cabinets and loading the trailer full of heavy
materials.  This was a huge help as it
saved Ken so much time and lugging the materials around himself.  Several times you have been seen lending a
helping hand, little gestures like that really go a long way.




You take
pride in your work and are always willing to lend a hand when needed.   You are kind and respectful, and always
willing to assist those that need help. 
During the dismantling of the BBT lab, you were extremely helpful,
moving materials, taking out cabinets and loading the trailer full of heavy
materials.  This was a huge help as it
saved Ken so much time and lugging the materials around himself.  Several times you have been seen lending a
helping hand, little gestures like that really go a long way.




You have
been instrumental in the creation of the yearbook.  When we were sent to work from home you
immediately made contact to see what you could do to get the yearbook
done.  You were in contact constantly,
almost daily and took the initiative to suggest ideas and create pages on your
own.  Without you working from home, we
are not sure the yearbook would have been submitted in a timely
manner. You are a talented, self-motivated, intelligent young lady.  You have a bright future ahead of you!




You are a
conscientious student and athlete for Nackawic High School. You are a committed
member of Best Buddies, and have participated in many opportunities to create
an environment of acceptance for all NHS students. In February, you attended a
university basketball game with our best buddies, and then volunteered at a
Nighthawks hockey game immediately after. You are also a member of the prom
committee and play basketball and volleyball.  You are a great citizen of




You are
faithful with your participation in the Best Buddies Program.  You attend meetings regularly and help out with
activities and reach out to your buddies through the week doing things with
them.  You are kind, friendly and a good
role model for others.  You are ready to
help with a smile on your face!




You are
faithful with your participation in the Best Buddies Program.  You attend meetings regularly and help out
with activities and reach out to your buddies through the week doing things
with them.  You are kind, friendly and a
good role model for others.  You are
ready to help with a smile on your face! 




You have
been instrumental in the creation of the yearbook since the beginning.  When we were sent home, you continued to
support the creation process from home. 
You were in contact constantly, created pages on your own, and checked
and double-checked pages to be submitted. 
Without you, we are not sure the yearbook would have been submitted in a
timely manner. You are a genuine, intelligent, well-organized young lady.  You have a bright future ahead of you!

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