Posts: ​Nighthawks of the Month for April 2020

5/5/2020 3:56 PM by tracy.graham



Since the
continuation of learning has started, you have been very dedicated to your
work. You log into your online Calculus course daily to complete the required
work. You attend Teams meetings when requested and do not hesitate to ask
questions on Teams or via email.  You
submit work for feedback regularly. You regularly pick up on errors made in the
posted solutions on the distance ed site. You are thriving in this new
environment for learning.




You work
very hard academically and keep a high average.  You clearly care about
your learning and have made the transition to online learning look easy. On top
of taking care of your own business, you go out of your way to help
others.  You are a delightful young lady to have in the classroom, you ask
good questions, seek help when you need it and are generally just a nice kid to
have a conversation with.  You participate in Club Volleyball and are a
member of the JV girls’ volleyball team. You are also a promising Rugby player.




You have
shown that you are willing to learn beyond all odds.  Although school academics is not a joy in
life, you have shown that you put your best foot forward to complete all tasks
given to you with due diligence and effort and also go above and beyond to
learn what is being taught.  In these
unusual times, you have shown how you can be counted upon and are a great
example for others.




You are
always courageous about speaking up in front of the class, doing problems on
the board, and asking questions if you didn’t understand. These are admirable
qualities, but what makes them even more admirable is that you are extending
this courage to the online learning environment. You will openly ask questions
in Teams chats, much to the benefit of other students who may be wondering the
same thing and provide extremely valuable feedback to your teachers about the
successes or shortcomings of specific online lessons. You make a point to email
all of your math assignments to your teacher for feedback, even though you know
you don’t have to, and even though you know you won’t receive a numerical grade
on it. You show a great deal of intrinsic motivation and a commitment to
learning for the sake of learning. These are very admirable qualities!

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