Posts: Open House 2019

8/30/2019 2:59 PM by tom.patterson

Tuesday, September 3rd.  It’s an exciting and busy time for everyone!  By now your child’s teacher will 

have contacted you to welcome them to the class.  Teachers will meet Grade 1-5 students on the 

playgrounds on Tuesday morning.

Grade 1 and 2 students on Red Wing playground.

Grade 3-5 students on the Blue Wing playground.

Kindergarten students have a staggered entry of either Tuesday or Wednesday and will attend 

from 9:00-11:00 on the day they communicated to the teacher.  Our Open House will be held Wednesday, September 4th 

from 6:30-7:30.  It was not co-ordinated,  but Bliss Carman School will be holding their Open House on 

the same night at 5:00.  We’re hoping that having both events on the same night is not an inconvenience.

Please be reminded of the following:

-If your child has a health, allergy or mobility issue that we have not already been made aware of the 

homeroom teacher should be advised as soon as possible.

-Supervision on the playgrounds begins at 7:55

-Dismissal is at 2:10 (grades K-2) and 3:15 (grades 3-5) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

-Wednesday dismissal 12:00 noon

-Although most school communication is electronic, several required forms are sent home the first week 

for your information and signature.  Please check book bags.

-A parent handbook can be found on our school website.  

-Student supply fees may be paid by cheque or through the cashless electronic system.

**Please note that there is currently no cafeteria service available.  A new company has been recently awarded 

the contract and they hope to be operational soon.  Students will require a lunch from home for now.

We wish you a safe and relaxing last long weekend of summer and look forward to a rewarding and successful school year!


Heather Hallett 


New Maryland School

506 453-5420

Category: Featured News for Special Events
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