Posts: Breakfast is Important

8/29/2017 1:28 PM by tom.patterson

“Breakfast” our Brain Food


Breakfast has been
proven to be one of the most important meals of the day. Children who start
their day with a full belly will be hungry to learn and not hungry for
food.  As families prepare for the return
to school, it’s important to get back into the routine of having a healthy well
balanced breakfast. Try to include 3 out of the 4 food groups in your
breakfast. This could be a slice of whole grain toast, piece of cheese and
fruit or quick oatmeal with berries and yogurt.


Big Benefits of Breakfast:


-Increase in
academic performance


concentration and behavior


self-esteem and self-confidence which leads to positive interactions with peers
and adults


-Better attitude
towards school and learning


-More vitamin and
mineral intake


-Healthy weights


 Tips in prepping breakfast ahead to avoid the morning


-Make porridge
ahead of time and refrigerate portions. Reheat and add fruit, seeds, and yogurt
in the morning


-Bake and freeze
whole grain muffins and pancakes


-Stock up on grab
and go items such as fruit, containers of yogurt, individual portions of trail
mix, and cheese


-Make hard boiled
eggs and keep in refrigerator for up to one week. Add a slice of whole grain
toast and cheese with eggs to make a grab and go breakfast sandwich.


 Make sure you and
your child know about the breakfast program offered at their school. There are
many reasons why children access breakfast programs: a long bus ride, don’t feel
like eating when they get up or not having enough time to eat at home. Perhaps they
just look forward to eating with their friends and classmates at school.
Whatever the reason it is important that all children start their day with a
full belly and be  ready to learn.


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