Posts: Grades 1-5 students: Where to go on the first day of School

9/2/2019 3:04 PM by elizabeth.macarthur

Hi NMS families,

   We know that the first day of school can be quite busy for families and stressful as everyone is trying to get back into the school routine.  We would like to take some of that stress away and help direct you to where to go on your child's first day of school.  

If the weather cooperates with us teachers will make their way outside shortly after 7:50am and proceed to their designated pylons placed on the playground where they will stand behind them for everyone to see.  We will have teachers on site to help direct you if you need assistance.  

If it is raining then the Grades 1-3 teachers will be waiting in our gymnasium to welcome their students for this year.  There will be teachers available to direct your child to their assigned teacher in the gymnasium.  If your child will be attending Grades 4-5 they will be directed by another teacher to proceed upstairs on the top floor of our school.  

Welcome back!

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