Posts: Welcome back!

6/4/2018 8:07 AM by alex.yaychuk

We hope all of our NMS families had a restful and memorable summer vacation.  We are very excited as your (Grade 1-5) child's first day back approaches on Tuesday, September 4th.  Parents/Guardians are to bring their children to the playground yard between 7:50-8:15. All classroom teachers will be waiting for their new students to quickly take attendance and make their way inside the school. 

**Kindergarten students have a staggered entry/dismissal on Tuesday, September 4th (Group 1) and Wednesday, September 5th (Group 2) between 9:00-10:30am. Kindergarten students and parents will also make their way to the playground to meet their new teacher as well. 

For more information on start days and for our families who have students in middle and high school please visit the section ASD-W News (just to the lower right hand side of this page) and click on the first link "School opening information for parents and students."

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