Posts: ​Jump Rope for Heart Fundraising

4/11/2019 6:49 PM by carolyn.beers

fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart, you’re collecting donations that fund
critical research that’s saving lives, preventing heart disease and stroke, and
supporting survivors and their families.


ask your child about their presentation this week and ask them about FAST (Signs for a stroke – Face – Arms – Speech – Time)


strongly encourage parents to support their children’s fundraising efforts by
asking for support from family, friends, work colleagues and close neighbours;
both online and off.


To collect
donations offline, use your pledge envelope or printed pledge form to record tax receipting
information from each donor. Secure all cash and cheque donations in your
pledge envelope or in a blank envelope with the printed pledge form attached
(Really well! With two pieces of tape or staples.)


 All fundraising will
be due: Tuesday, April 23rd


Thank you for your

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