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GLEE Concerts

Junior Choir, Orchestra and GLEE concert

Presidential Election Video

Student Council 2018

Music Festival - Junior Choir

Music Festival - Orchestra

Music Program - Spring Concert

Important Junior Choir Information

Important Orchestra Information

Orchestra Practice-A-Thon

GLEE upcoming events...

Park Street Orchestra Sponsors

Presidential Election Video 2017

Instructional Violin Videos

Important Dates - Orchestra Program

Important Dates

Junior Choir - Performance Added

Fall Music

GLEE on Monday

Election for President

Music Program Schedule

Orchestra Registration

Junior Choir

Thank you so very much...


Important Practice-A-Thon Information

Updated Music Program Schedule

Practice-A-Thon Fundraiser

Orchestra Fees Due

Junior Choir Music - Spring 2017

PSS Talent Show!

Junior Choir, Glee and Orchestra Concert

Poinsettia Fundraiser for Music

Bake Sale for the Auction

Music Program Christmas Concert

Music to Practice

GLEE music for Christmas

Operation Christmas Child - Student Council Gives Back!

Orchestra Practice Homework October 19th

Important Dates and Information

Student Council Mission Statement

Student Council Executive Election

Orchestra Schedule

Student Council Executive Elections

A Million Thank Yous!

GLEE to PEI in 1 WEEK!

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