Posts: Bake Sale for the Auction

11/24/2016 7:34 PM by sara.benson

Hello Park Street Music Families

On Wednesday, November 30th, Park Street will
be hosting their Fourth Annual Christmas Community Auction in support of our
many performing arts groups here at school. 
Each year, Glee, junior choir, orchestra, drama, puppet club, black
light theatre, visual arts and dance clubs look for ways to raise funds to
support the many activities offered to students at the school.  Last year, the silent auction raised a lot of
money and helped out many of these clubs with their financial needs.  It is because of the generous donations and
support of MANY people and businesses in the community that we are able to host
this wonderful event. 



Our performing arts culture is a strong one at Park
Street, and it continues to grow each year! 
It is very evident from the participation numbers in orchestra, and both
choirs!  This year, we are asking parents of the three musical groups (Glee,
Junior Choir and Orchestra) to donate some baking for a bake sale that will
take place during the evening.  We are
asking the items to be peanut/nut-free and pre-packaged for easy display on the
  For example, if you bake
a dozen cookies, please place 3-4 in a baggie and we will price and place the
bags on the table. Items for the sale
should be dropped off to us on Tuesday, November 29th so we can
figure out how much space we need everything.
  Perhaps you could send an email to us to let
us know you will be contributing.  Glee
parents can email  , Junior choir and Orchestra parents can



We thank you so much in advance for your continued
support of the performing arts groups at Park Street and we look forward to
seeing you on November 30th at the auction!



Mme Aubé ¯


Mrs. Benson ¯

Category: Glee; Junior Choir; Orchestra
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