Posts: Update: April 6

4/6/2020 9:52 AM by tarah.gauvin

Hello Park Street Families and Students,


I hope that this message finds you all well
and healthy. 


 I am reaching out today to provide an
update of our current situation in Education and inform you of our model of
online student support.  This week your
student’s homeroom teacher will be in contact with you via Fresh Grade or
through alternate methods if you are not able to access this program.  I hope that you will remain patient as our
teachers learn and develop new ways of teaching and communicating with
families, this may take some time.  You
should hear from your teacher by early this week and by mid-week have received
some academic supports.  Please be aware
that each classroom teacher has the autonomy to develop their own model of
support, but all are developing something that fits the guidelines provided by
the Minster of Education and our District Superintendent. 


 I encourage you to download the Parent App
for Fresh Grade on a device as this will give you the best means of connecting
with your teacher. 


 If you are having difficulty with Fresh
Grade or with communication models that support your situation, please reach
out to your classroom teacher for help or contact the school through the school
phone line or the Webpage Form. 


 I encourage you to continue in the efforts
to social distance and look forward to a time when we can return to the halls
and classrooms of PSS.


 Thank you,


Mr. R. Meesters

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