Posts: District Updste

11/20/2020 10:56 AM by tarah.gauvin

Hello ASD-W Families,


Please be advised that the Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development (EECD) has updated the "Return to School – Direction for
School Districts and Schools" document.  You can see it at this link:


The following changes have been made to the

9 to 12 Section, Page 6 – bullet has been added to reinforce the Education Act
prohibiting hiring students during school hours. 
E – Music Education Directives - the appendix has been updated to include new directives
for Extra-Curricular Music and Drama Activities.

Further to this and as of midnight on Thursday, November 19,  Zone 1
(Moncton and South-East NB) has changed to the Orange Recovery Phase.  This
impacts schools and early learning centres (ELC) primarily in the Anglophone
East School District and a few schools/ELCs in the Anglophone North School


Currently, the schools in ASD-W are in the Yellow Recovery Phase. 


Should staff or students travel to a zone that is in the Orange Recovery
Phase, they must self monitor and wear a mask for 14 days and follow directives
in accordance with the Mandatory Order as if they were in the Orange
Phase.  Here is a copy of the statement that describes the expectations:




Finally, please remember that people should be kind to one another,
particularly those who are impacted by the Orange phase in Zone 1.


Thank you again for all your support.


David McTimoney, Superintendent

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