FEC Park Street Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > This Week
March 26
This Week

​Hi Families

Math - Students will be having their Post-Multiplication/Division test on Monday and their Pre-Fractions test on Tuesday. Students should continue to work in Dreambox online while at home. 

Language Arts/Literacy - Students should be reading at home or loging into RazKids. 

Yearbook orders - The deadline for a yearbook order is the 30th of March. Order forms have been sent home with students. Two students from 5L won a yearbook each with their cover contest entry. Congrats!

Popcorn Wednesday - Please have your orders in this week as some cards and pre-orders have expired. 

TNB - Theatre New Brunswick will be in the week and we're asking students to bring in 2 dollars each. 

Snider Mountain - Please send in the registration forms with your child and please contact me if you would like to make payment intalments. 

Backpacks/book bags - Please go through your child's bookbags as notices and forms can sometimes linger in there. 

Last week 5L managed to raise approximately 20 more dollars for the children of Skateistan. I'll post about our new totals this week. 

Thank you!

Mr. Landry


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