FEC Park Street Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly Update- 1B
November 13
Weekly Update- 1B

November 14th-17th


-Read (RAZ Kids)


-Sight words

-Kids Can Bake Items (Due Friday)

-Parent/Teacher Form (Please select your top 3 times and return the form ASAP)


-Read (RAZ Kids)


-Sight words

-Please return library books


-Read (RAZ Kids)


-Sight words​


-Calithumpians Presentation 8:45

*****Our cafeteria will be providing a turkey dinner for our families.  

Families interested in purchasing turkey dinners can do so through the cafeteria/cafeteria website.  

If possible, we would ask that families with last names that begin with the letters A-L will be December 12th 

and last names from M-Z will be December 14th.  The cost of the turkey dinner will be $5.50.  

Math: We are working on patterns (les régularités). We are building, naming and continuing patterns. We continue working on numbers from 0-20. Students can practice counting objects at home in French and can practice singing the number song. Students are encouraged to practice counting forwards and backwards (0-20 & 20-0). 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsEz58BblMY  (1-20)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsc3qLMaCu80  (1-10/10-0)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7xq6q9WASQ  (1-20 with words)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhj9SqrIZqI  (1-20)

Literacy: We continue to work on oral communication. We are also learning names  of objects in the classroom, letters of the alphabet, numbers, high-frequency words and we are learning all about our families. We have learned the sounds --les sons a, i, e, o, u, y, é and we will be reviewing all sounds this week. Please have your child sing the songs to you. Please visit Freshgrade daily. J


Le son 'a'



Le son 'i' 'y'



Le son 'e'



Le son 'o'



Le son 'u'


Le son 'é'



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