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September 27
Weekly Update - Sept 30th

​Hello families,

We had another great week learning and growing together! Here are some important items and reminders for the upcoming week:

  • Reading at home: we have been working on the sound 'en/an' and the silent 'ent' at the end of plural verbs. This are things you can ask your child to be on the lookout for when reading.
  • Les mots fréquents: Practice reading or spelling list 3 Mots frequents 3.m4aMots frequents 3.m4a
  • Monday is Orange T-Shirt day. Please wear an orange t-shirt to help send the message that Every Child Matters
  • Wednesday we will be having our election for Student Council class representatives. Students who wish to be considered should prepare a short speech explaining why they feel they would be a good fit for the role. 
  • There will be a Cross-Country meet Wednesday at O'Dell Park begining at 1:30 pm
  • FreshGrade​ will be up and running in the coming week! Please keep an eye on your email for an invite to join our class FreshGrade page. I encourage you to download the FreshGrade Parent app for easy access to photos and documents to keep up with what is happening in our classroom!
  • In Literacy we are currently working on writing descriptive paragraphs about our favourite games or acivities. I encourage you to play all types of games (board games, card games, etc) with your child at home over the weekend so they have fresh memories to write about!
  • In ​Math we have been working on representing/describing numbers to 100 000 and finding complimentary numbers to make 1 000, 10 000 or 100 000. Attached are a few examples of activities we have been doing. Représenter les nombres à 100 000.pdfReprésenter les nombres à 100 000.pdf Faire 1000 et 10 000.pdfFaire 1000 et 10 000.pdf
Upcoming Dates:
  • Oct 9th: Track and Field meet at NMS
  • Oct 14th: Thanksgiving Monday
  • Oct 18th: Picture Day :) 
  • Oct 21st: Election Day and Student Vote
Have a great weekend, and a wonderful week!

September 27
A few resources to support your child at home

Please see the items below for some helpful resources for working with your child at home!

Homework Expectations.pdfHomework Expectations.pdf Tips for Reading at Home.pdfTips for Reading at Home.pdf

Listes de mots fréquents.pdfListes de mots fréquents.pdf Mots frequents 1.m4aMots frequents 1.m4a Mots frequents 2.m4aMots frequents 2.m4a Mots frequents 3.m4aMots frequents 3.m4a

September 23
Weekly Updates for September 23-27th, 2019

Dear Families,

Here are the updates for students in Grade 2/3 French Immersion Mme Conn's class this week:


1) Home Reading books-please have your child read to you in French for 15 minutes when possible Mon-Thursday. This will help their fluency and sight word knowledge and practice decoding skills for sounding out a word.

2) Sight words-read and review for those who have a small ziploc bag of words.


1) DFS Fundraiser due today, Sept 23rd. Please send in all forms and monies by September 24th in your child's communication bag.

2) Swimming for Grade 3 Students only (part of Physical Education curriculum) at the Fredericton Indoor Pool on Thursdays: Oct 24, 31st, Nov 7th, 14th, 21st. If you can help supervise walking to the FIP, please fill out the form and return to school.

3) Fresh Grade is not up and running yet by ASDW. We will let you know when it is ready for Home/School communication.

4) Student fee $40.00 for anyone who has yet to pay. Please make cheques payable to Park Street School.

5) Scholastic orders for September are past due. Please send in your forms and cheques (or feel free to order online) if interested. Books available in French and English.

Thank you!

Questions? Please contact


Mme Amy Conn


September 23
Weekly What's Up!

Hello Grade 5 Benson Families,

French: Students who haven't brought in their family photos, are asked to do so as soon as possible so that they can present their family to the class as part of our Ma Famille unit.

​Reading: Students are asked to be reading at least 15 minutes each day.

Math: We are working on place value. Students should take the time to teach you how to play "5-digit Dare". All you'll need is a deck of cards wth the face cards and tens removed.

Student Fees: We still have a few famlilies that haven't payed their $40 school fee. This can be paid via SchoolCash online or by sending in a cheque/cash. If unable to pay the fee due to financial reasons, please let us know as soon as possible and we will find a way to cover the fee for your family.

Exciting News: We are excited to start our School Breakfast Program ​this week. Beginning today, we will have breakfast (toast, fruit, etc) available to all students in the cafeteria. All students are welcome to grab a bite to eat on their way up to their classrooms to ensure they start the day with a full belly. This is great for students who don't have time to eat in the morning or who are already hungry for 'second breakfast' by the time they arrive.

Music Program: All Glee (choir) forms and Orchestra forms are due back as soon as possible if students are interested in joining.

Important Dates:

  • Sept 24th: PSSC Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Sept 25th: Cross-Country meet at McAdam Avenue (1:30 pm)
  • Sept 30th: Wear an orange t-shirt to promote awareness about residential schools and indigenous history in Canada
  • Oct 2nd: Cross-Country at O'Dell Park (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 9th: Cross-Country at NMS (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 18th (new date!): Picture Day has been rescheduled as to not interfere with Orange T-Shirt Day
  • Oct 21st: Federal Election day and Student Vote at PSS

Have a marvellous Monday!

Mrs. Benson

September 23
Field Trip

Dear KinderWorld Families;

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 our class will be going on a field trip to River View Apple Orchard. We will be travelling by bus. We will leave the school by 9:30am and return to the school by 12:00pm.

The cost of this field trip is $7 per child. We encourage you to use school cash online. The payment box has already been set up for this field trip.

We are in need of several parent volunteers for this field trip. Volunteers are asked to meet us at the apple orchard by 10:00am. Please let us know through email if you are able to join us. If you are able to volunteer, please keep in mind that this is a time where you will be responsible for some of the children in KinderWorld. Therefore please refrain from bringing younger siblings/children with you. We appreciate your support and are looking forward to our first class field trip.


Ms. Walsh, Mrs. Penney, Ms. Ebbett, Mrs. Davidson​

September 22
Weekly Update

Bonjour les familles de la 5ième année!

What a beautiful weekend to welcome Autumn! I hope everyone took full advantage of the warm and sunshine to get outside and do some exploring. This Saturday was also Becca Schofield day. Did you have the opportunity to make the world a  more positive place by doing an act of kindness? Let's see if we can keep the momentum going all through the week!

Here are the important items and reminders for this week:

  • School Fees: There are still a few families who have yet to pay their $40 school fee. The school fee can be paid via SchoolCash online or by sending in a cheque/cash. If you are unable to pay the school fee due to financial reasons, please let us know and we will find a way to cover the fee for your family. 
  • Les mots fréquents: Please take a few minutes a day to practice Liste#2. The audio clip is also available if you need help with the pronounciation! Mots frequents 2.m4aMots frequents 2.m4a
  • Reading: Students are encouraged to continue reading at home in French at least 2-3 nights per week. I have been giving them reminders to bring home books, however if they need an extra little nudge, please let me know!
  • Xtra-Math: We have been using Xtra-Math in class to improve our fluency with basic math facts and many students are enjoying it. We are already seeing some progress! Students who struggle with recalling basic facts can practice at home to help improve fluency. 
  • We are excited to beging our School Breakfast Program ​this week. Beginning Monday, we will have breakfast (toast, fruit, etc) available to all students in the cafeteria. All students are welcome to grab a bite to eat on their way up to their classrooms to ensure they start the day with a full belly. This is great for students who don't have time to eat in the morning or who are already hungry for 'second breakfast' by the time they arrive!
  • We will be having elections for Student Council classroom reps next Wednesday. Students interested in running for class rep will be asked to submit their name and prepare a short speech explaining why they feel they should be elected. They are encouraged to give their speech in French, but can alternate between both languages if they so choose.

Upcoming Dates:
  • Sept 24th: PSSC Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Sept 25th: Cross-Country meet at McAdam Avenue (1:30 pm)
  • Sept 30th: Wear an orange t-shirt to promote awareness about residential schools and indigenous history in Canada
  • Oct 2nd: Cross-Country at O'Dell Park (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 9th: Cross-Country at NMS (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 18th (new date!): Picture Day has been rescheduled as to not interfere with Orange T-Shirt Day
  • Oct 21st: Federal Election day and Student Vote at PSS
Have a wonderful week!
September 17
Audio clips - Les mots fréquents

​Here are the audio clips for the first two Mots fréquents lists. Your child can listen and read along at home to ensure they are pronouncing the words correctly. 

Mots frequents 1.m4aMots frequents 1.m4a      Mots frequents 2.m4aMots frequents 2.m4a

September 17
Weekly Update September 16-20th, 2019


 Dear Families,

Here are out weekly updates for students in Grade 2/3 Mme Conn's class:


1) Home Reading books- I sent home 2 easy home reading books for students to practice this week. I chose books at an easier level to start off the year on a good foot and to help students build confidence. Please have them read these books to you and return on Friday to class in the communication bag.

2) Sight words-students will receive a little baggie of Grade 2 sight words to practice and review that they are finding challenging. Please have them read the words to you.

3) DFS Catalog Fundraiser: Please help your child share this with family members and fill out the order form. Cheques or online payments and order forms are due at school on September 23rd, 2019. Keep selling! Great work! (no door to door sales)

4) School Picture day is changed to Friday, October 18th!

5) Orange t-shirt day is September 30th in support of First Nations children. Please encourage your child to wear orange if possible.

Thank you!


Mme Amy Conn


September 16
What's up this week...

Weekly what’s up…

Bonjour les familles,

Here is what’s up this week in 1A…

Mardi:  library class – please return all books for tomorrow morning as we will be signing new ones out.

Mercredi: grades 3-5 Track and Field at Henry Park

Jeudi/Vendredi:  Remember I will be away for surgery Thurs and Fri and Mon – Tues of next week.  I will be returning Wednesday of next week.

Samedi:  Becca Schofield Day – do an act of kindness J

Fundraiser reminder:  All orders and money need to be turned in on September 23 in order for the amount total to be counted towards our classroom prizes.  I hope everyone is trying their best to sell a few items from the catalog to help support PSS J

Math: please continue reviewing numbers from 0-20. They are really good at counting all the way up, but not as confident saying numbers in isolation. 

Literacy:  Continue reading in English as well as any poems/songs that may come home in French. Don't forget to sing too!

Have a wonderful week,


Upcoming dates:  Orange shirt day – Sept 30, Harvey’s Picture Day Oct. 18 (it was changed).​

September 15
Weekly Update

​Bonjour les familles de la 5ième année!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and was able to partake in some of the Harvest Jazz and Blues festivities. This week I will be sending home a packet of information regarding homework. Each week I will be posting suggestions for focus at home, however please use your discretion to prioritize what you feel is best for your child. 

  • Les mots fréquents: Practice reading Liste A to build fluency (you should be able to check pronunciation for most words at the following link:​)
  • Reading in French: last week we reviewed the sounds 'ou' and 'o/au/eau' in class; you could ask your child to identify words with these sounds as an extra activity when reading
  • Basic math facts (add/sub): You can spend some time practicing basic math facts using Xtra-Math, flash cards or whatever method you prefer
  • Please return any library books for Thursday
  • School Fees: If you have not yet had a chance to pay your School Supplies fee, you can do so online using SchoolCash or by sending in a $40 cheque/cash with your child
  • DFS Fundraiser: Our annual fall fundraising campaign kicked off last week, but due to a mix-up our class did not initially receive the information packets. Fundraising forms will be sent home this Monday. If you are able to help contribute, it would be greatly appreciated!
Upcoming Dates:
  • Sept 18th: Cross-Country meet at Henry Park (1:30 pm)
  • Sept 21st: Spread some kindness on Becca Schofield day!
  • Sept 24th: PSSC Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Sept 25th: Cross-Country meet at McAdam Avenue (1:30 pm)
  • Sept 30th: Wear an orange t-shirt to promote awareness about residential schools and indigenous history in Canada
  • Oct 2nd: Cross-Country at O'Dell Park (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 9th: Cross-Country at NMS (1:30 pm)
  • Oct 18th (new date!): Picture Day has been rescheduled as to not interfere with Orange T-Shirt Day
  • Oct 21st: Federal Election day and Student Vote at PSS
Have a great week!
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