Posts: Weekly Update

5/7/2018 9:55 PM by beth.whalen

Hello families:

This week Grade 4FI and I are getting to know one another. The class has offered me a warm welcome so far!   

I am implementing Class Dojo and will post more information in the coming days.

Some info. re: this week:

Reading 15 minutes per night at home in French 
Students will be writing the post-test for Fractions and Decimal numbers this week as well as the pre-test for the Measurement unit
Monday a permission form for Track and Field was sent home
Please return any library books for Thursday
Friday we will be visiting Corbett Brook from 11:30 - 1:30 to learn about wetlands with Ducks Unlimited
Upcoming Dates:

Monday, May 14th - No school due to NBTA Branch Meeting
Tuesday, May 15th - K to 3 Talent Show at 11:00 am
Thursday, May 17th - 3 to 5 Talent Show at 1:00 pm
Monday, May 21st - Victoria Day
May 22nd - June 1st - Provincial Assessments for grade 4 (Math, Scientific Literacy, French Reading, English Reading)
May 25th - Sockhop fundraiser
Thank you!
Mme Whalen

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