Posts: Weekly Update

5/13/2018 5:59 PM by elizabeth.howlett

Hello families,


We had a wonderful field trip to Corbett Brook Friday. A big THANK YOU to the parent volunteers who braved the cold winds to spend the day with us! Here are the updates and reminders for this week:


Reading 15 minutes per night in French
Dreambox - 2-3 lessons completed at home
In Social Studies we are beginning our final unit on Explorers Past and Present
Students will also be starting the Measurement unit in flexible math groups later this week
Please return all library books for Tuesday
We encourage students to continue raising money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation (Jump Rope for Heart). Enveloppes are due June 1st.
The K-3 Talent Show will be held Tuesday at 11:00 am, and the grade 4-5 Talent Show Thursday at 1:00 pm
Upcoming Dates:

Monday, May 21st - Victoria Day
May 22nd - June 1st - Provincial Assessments for grade 4 (Math, Scientific Literacy, French Reading, English Reading)
May 24th - Sockhop fundraiser
May 25th - River Walk (more details to come)
May 29th: 11:30 am dismissal due to PL
June 1st - Track and Field
June 7th - District Track and Field
June 8th - Leadership Day
June 12th - BYOBanana for 3-5
June 14th - BYOBanana for K-2
June 15th - End of Year Field Trip (more details to come)
Have a great week :)

Category: Mlle Howlett - Grade 5 French Immersion
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