Posts: Weekly update

5/27/2018 9:55 PM by beth.whalen

Hello families,


Thank you to those who joined us on
our River Walk on Friday. The students had some great discussions, ideas, and
questions about aboriginal history and current social issues. Keep talking
about reconciliation and what you and your family can do to support this important
nationwide initiative.


Here are the important items for this

Reading Students
should be reading two books per night.  Using the ‘Vérification de
lecture’ sheet, (attached here Feuille de vérification de lecture.docx), students write the book’s title and
parents sign
REMINDER Tuesday is an 11:30 am
 due to Professional Learning.
Please return ALL library books for
Thursday. This will be our last trip to the library for the year. 
We will be completing the provincial
 this week. We have the French Reading and Scientific
Literacy components to complete.
In Social Studies we will be starting a small
project on an explorer. Students should have their explorer chosen by
Wednesday is our Volunteer
Appreciation breakfast
. Please join us to let us say THANK YOU for
everything you do to help support staff and students at PSS!
Jump Rope for Heart Fundraisers are due Friday.
Friday is Track and Field Day!
Please ensure students have sunscreen, appropriate clothing/footwear, a
hat, water bottle and extra snacks.
Park Street will be collecting items for a Toy
 until June 7th. If you have anything to contribute, it
would be greatly appreciated!

Upcoming dates:

May 29 – Early dismissal
May 30 – Volunteer Breakfast
June 7th - District Track and Field
June 8th - Leadership Day
June 12th - BYOBanana for 3-5
June 14th - BYOBanana for K-2
June 15th - End of Year Field Trip (more
details to come)
June 22nd - Last Day of School for students

Have a wonderful week! :) 



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