Posts: Homework and Updates, June 11-15th, 2018

6/14/2018 1:25 PM by amy.conn

Dear Families,

Here are the updates and reminders for June 11-15th, 2018:

1) French Mini-Project on Animals due June 18

-please send in 1 colour picture and 10 facts on a wild animal of the child's choice (they chose in class) written in English. This has all been written in their agendas.

Facts to find:

1-Classification (mammal, bird, etc)

2-Size of animal



Colour of animal

6-Adjectives that describe the animal's appearance

7-4 interesting facts

Students will be working on this in classtime over the next few days. There is no powerpoint, poster or large component to this project. It is for them to learn about a wild animal and enjoy it.

2) Grade 5 Celebration is Friday, June 15th, 2018. Ceremony 7:00-8:00PM. Come early for a good seat at 6:30PM.

Grade 5 student activities: 8:00-10:00PM

10:00PM Parents pick up child and sign them out and watch the fireworks on the field as a family if desired.

Thank you to all the families who volunteered!

3) Swimming June 18th at Fredericton Indoor Pool 9:00AM-11:00AM. Bring towel, bathing suit, flip flops.

4) Last day of school is June 22nd is a half day. Report cards go home June 22nd.

5) Cafeteria closes June 15th

Category: Mme Conn - Grade 2 French Immersion
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