Posts: Weekly Update

9/23/2018 11:21 AM by elizabeth.howlett

Hello grade 5 families!


I hope you all had a great weekend. The leaves have begun to change and there is a bit of a cool chill in the air - fall is definitely here! Please see below for the homework items and important events for this week:


Reading 15 minutes per night in French - practice makes progress! (or practicing basic addition/subtraction facts with flash cards)
The DFS Fundraising Campaign is still underway. Please continue to sell to friends and families to support our Home and School. 
Monday is Election Day! We will be voting for our Student Council class representatives, as well as participating in Student Vote by casting a ballot for our local MLA of choice.
Tuesday is library day. Please return any library books so students can sign out new ones.
Wednesday will be our first Make, Explore, Create block as a part of our weekly Empower Hour! Students will building their problem-solving and colloboration skills through hands-on STEAM exploration activities. 
Thursday will be our annual Terry Fox run. Please ensure students wear suitable outdoor footwear.
Friday is Orange T-Shirt Day. This day meant to be an opportunity to discuss the history of injustice towards First Nations communities (specifically residential schools) and work towards reconciliation. We will be exploring these topics more in depth this year in our English Language Arts class (more details to come). Please wear an orange t-shirt (or something close!) to show your support.
In literacy we are working on a unit about Community and Global Leaders. We have been exploring what qualities make a good leader and how leadership skills can help have a positive impact on the community. This past week we have had some very insightful discussions regarding the provincial election and our opinions of the party leaders. We will be working towards writing a short paragraph to describe and explain the significance of a leader of our choice. 
In math we are working on the Patterns and Equations unit. Right now we are focusing on solving equations with a missing number (ex: 23 - x = 12) and writing equations to represent a word problem.
We have been using ClassDojo to measure our progress in terms of speaking French in class. Many students are consistently making great efforts to speak completely in French. Bravo! I encourage you to review and discuss your child's progress by comparing how many points they are earning vs losing on a daily basis for speaking in French.
Upcoming Dates:
October 1st - Picture Day
October 1st - Diversity and Inclusion presentation
October 2nd - Awareness Assembly
October 13th - Nissan Test Drive Fundraiser (10:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Have a great week!

Category: Mlle Howlett - Grade 5 French Immersion
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