Posts: Weekly Update and Reminders

10/14/2018 5:10 PM by caroline.sheehan

Hello families,

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!  Here is the weekly update and reminders for this coming week:
·       Nightly reading in French.  Encourage your child to read aloud to you and to do a quick retell in their own words. 
·       In literacy/social studies, we will continue to read about a variety of explorers past and present.  Students will be discussing where and what they have explored and we will be focusing on using «passé compose» to do this.  For example: J’ai exploré…, J’ai visité…J’ai vu…(I explored, I visited, I saw).  We will continue to work on finding the key information in an information text and students will write a short text about a place that they have visited and explored by creating a postcard. 
·       In math, students will start flexible math groups for number sense this week.  Students in my group will be learning to represent numbers to 10 000 in a variety of ways (words, symbolically and using base ten blocks).
·       This week is Safe School Week.  Our class meeting this week will focus on school safety.
·       October 16th: Practice school evacuation to Nashwaaksis Middle School
·       October 17th: Practice bus evacuations
·       We will be collecting 2$ for the Purple Pinkies for Polio Campaign until October 19th.
·       Please remember to return library books on Tuesday.
·       October 24th: Take Me Outside Day
·       October 25th: Picture re-takes
·       Oct 31st: Pumpkin Walk
Have a wonderful week!

Category: Mme. Sheehan - Grade 4 French Immersion
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