Posts: Weekly Update & Reminders

10/21/2018 3:48 PM by caroline.sheehan

Hello families,

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!  Here is the weekly update and reminders for this coming week:
·      Nightly reading in French.  Encourage your child to read aloud to you and to do a quick retell in their own words. 
·      In literacy/social studies, we will continue to read about a variety of explorers past and present.  Students will read some primary sources such as explorers’ journals. We will think about the information learned from reading their journals during shared reading and students will also develop questions they might have for an explorer after reading their journal entries.  Students will finish up their postcards about a place that they have explored.
·      In math, students in my group will continue to represent numbers to 10 000 in a variety of ways (words, symbolically and using base ten blocks).  We will also be comparing and ordering numbers using Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams.  During warm-ups we are reviewing addition facts and mental math strategies.
·       Please remember to return library books on Tuesday.
·       October 24th: Take Me Outside Day
·       October 25th: Picture re-takes
·       Oct 31st: Pumpkin Walk
·       Oct 31st: We will be having a small Halloween celebration.  Please feel free to send a healthy treat with your child.
·       Nov 9th : No school for students due to professional learning for teachers
Have a wonderful week!

Category: Mme. Sheehan - Grade 4 French Immersion
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