Posts: Weekly update

11/12/2018 8:43 PM by beth.whalen

Bonjour les familles de la 5e année:


I hope over this special long-weekend that you and your family were able to take some time to discuss the importance of recognizing the leaders in our community who are or have given a huge sacrifice to help ensure our freedom and way of life here in Canada.  


This time is a wonderful time to connect and to share and to have full hearts. 


Our learning goals this week include 


-Reading 15 minutes per night in French - we are presently working on visualization as a strategy.  Ask your child what they "see" or imagine while they are reading.  As text complexity progresses, this strategy is a valuable one to assist the reader better understand what they are reading.  Does the author use particular words which assist in the reader being able to visualize?


-Completing addition/subtraction or multiplication/division activities on - a weekly report indicates that many students have not used this program much.  


(***Parents and students are encouraged to aim to practice reading and math each night for 15 mins each as a way to assist the progression of learning - PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS ***)


-Finishing the leader paragraphs and projects. Some students want to print pictures which I can't do from the classroom for them, but they can certainly print pictures on their own, draw pictures, and cut out pictures to help represent their leader and her/his leader skills


-Contributing in our community on Nov. 16 with a field trip planned to Greener Village with both Grade 5 classes.  Should you be available to volunteer on this field trip, please let me know and thank you.


-Returning in library books and signing out some new interesting books


-Contributing to the Basket Fundraiser. Our class has the iPod basket, so we are asking families to contribute $5 or 10 if possible


-Being kind since Tuesday is also World Kindness Day! Remember to take a little extra time to be kind to those around us - spread kindness and spread peace!



Upcoming dates:


Nov 16th: Field Trip to Greener Village


Nov 20th: Report cards go home


Nov 20th - 23rd: Scholastic's Book Fair


Nov 23rd: Parent-Teacher interviews


Merci les familles!


Have a super week!!


Mme W

Category: Mme Whalen - Grade 5 French Immersion
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