Posts: Weekly update

12/10/2018 10:35 PM by beth.whalen

Hi there families,

Holiday shopping and baking and parties are here! 2018 is slipping away quickly! As you take it all in, we too have a very busy next two weeks leading up to the break. Here are your weekly homework items and reminders:

Reading 15 minutes/night in French - be sure to keep practicing basic math facts; these make a huge difference in solving more complex equations! Try this site too to change things up!
Please return all library books for Tuesday
Turkey Dinner will be this week! Families A-L will be served on Tuesday, and families M-Z will be served on Thursday. A reminder that no other items will be offered at the cafeteria this day.
If your child is planning on participating in the Shopping Blitz but has not send in their form and money yet, please do so ASAP!
Friday will be another Hat Day Fundraiser. Students can pay $1 to wear a hat for the day. 
Upcoming dates:
Monday, Dec 17th: Kids Shopping Blitz
Tuesday, Dec 18th: K-2 Winter Musical (9 am and 12 pm)
Thursday, Dec 20th: 3-5 Winter Musical (9 am and 12 pm)
Friday 21st: Full day before the break
Have a great week!

Category: Mme Whalen - Grade 5 French Immersion
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