Posts: Weekly update

2/20/2019 8:19 PM by beth.whalen

Hi there Grade 5 families:

We are quickly closing in on February!  We are going to make it through these cold, cold days so hold on!

A few reminders:

-Sock Hop $2 - Tomorrow - Thursday, Feb. 21. Funds go to support Fredericton's homeless

-Students are encouraged to  keep on donating to our We Create Change initiatives as well. Students can donate $1 to wear their hat or sock feet or go wild and crazy with Crazy Hair! Rights Respecting is running the We Create Change fundraiser until Feb. 28.

-Pandamonium is next week! A week-long of activities leading up to our March Break 

PANDAmonium Week Activites.docx

-Book Fair is next week for the following dates and times:

Tuesday, February 26th - 8:30 to 3:30
Wednesday, February 27th - 8:30 to 12:30 and 4:00 to 7:00
Thursday, February 28th - 8:30 to 3:30
-The class is still in need of more boxes of Kleenex - if you can contribute, please do so!

- Please note the information posted regarding the Grade 5 celebration

I leave you with a couple of questions to reflect upon ... 
- How much is your child reading at home?
- How much math is your child doing at home?
-How can your child squeeze in a little more to help advance their efforts at school?

Please encourage at home reading and math practice, as we know that home support and practice really do make progress!


Mme Whalen

Category: Mme Whalen - Grade 5 French Immersion
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