Posts: Weekly Update September 9-13th, 2019 Mme Conn's Grade 2/3 class

9/9/2019 4:24 PM by amy.conn

Good evening parents/families, 
I wanted to let you know about a few items that are important for your child this week:
1) Communication Bag-Each child has a new communication bag with their name on it. I will send home items in this often. Please check their communication bag daily, if possible.  Today, there is an orange duotang with the story 'Aline Abeille'. Students are encouraged to read it to their parents twice tonight to review what we have taught at school. This is review of the vowel sounds in French.  In the coming weeks, I will be sending home sight words and Home Reading books, once I evaluate all students. Tomorrow, I will send a Student Profile questionnaire. Please help fill it out and return to school for Friday, September 13th.
2) School Fundraiser: There is a catalog and order form for your child, along with a letter from Home and School. If you are to share with family and friends, we would appreciate it (no door to door sales). Families may pay online or by cheque. All forms and monies are due September 23rd, 2019 returned to Park Street School.
3) Fresh Grade is a Home and School Communication Tool. application  will begin after the ASDW school district has approved the update. We are waiting on this to be ready to go for the beginning of October. We will let you know when it is available for use. Until then, you can check our school website:
Pages - Home
Dear Families, We are very excited to be starting our very own breakfast program in mid-September! We have been so fortunate to have several parents, grandparents, and members of our community volunteer their time and money to this worthwhile endeavor!


4) Meet the Teacher is this Thursday, September 12th at 5:30-6:30PM. This year it will be a drop in for a snack ( water bottles and apples) instead of a cornboil this year.  Feel free to drop into the school gymnasium for 5:30PM and then to see your child's class briefly afterwards.
If you have any questions for me, please contact me at school 453-5423 or via email:
Thank you for your partnership in education!
Mme Amy Conn
**Note: If you have yet to pay the Student Fee of $40.00, please pay on School Cash Online or send in
your child's communication bag (cheque or cash) and we will send to the office. Thank you!

Category: Mme Conn - Grade 2 French Immersion
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