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ASD-W-101-1 - District Issued Cellular Telephones and Personal Electronic Device Use.pdf

ASD-W-101-2 - Donations to the School District.pdf

ASD-W-101-3 - School Raised Funds.pdf

ASD-W-113-1 - Out-of-Province Travel - Expense Approval for Staff.pdf

ASD-W-113-1A - Out-of-Province Travel Form.pdf

ASD-W-120-01 - Materials for Distribution in Schools and External Research.pdf

ASD-W-120-1A - Brochure Materials for Distribution in Schools.pdf

ASD-W-250-01 - Selection and Hiring of Employees.pdf

ASD-W-250-02 - Hiring Procedures.pdf

ASD-W-250-03 - Hiring of Teachers and Administrators.pdf

ASD-W-250-04 - Hiring of Support Staff.pdf

ASD-W-250-05 - Applications for Job Vacancies.pdf

ASD-W-250-06 - Competition File.pdf

ASD-W-250-07 - Screening and Interview Process.pdf

ASD-W-250-08 - Reference Checking.pdf

ASD-W-250-08A - Reference Checking - Reference Check Form.pdf

ASD-W-250-09 - Debriefing.pdf

ASD-W-250-10 - Criminal Record Checks.pdf

ASD-W-250-11 - Approval of Local Permits.pdf

ASD-W-250-12 - Retirements - Resignations.pdf

ASD-W-250-13 - Employee Concerns.pdf

ASD-W-250-15 - Employee Performance Evaluation.pdf

ASD-W-250-15A - Growth Process Summary - All Employees.pdf

ASD-W-250-15B - Employee Performance - On Review Process.pdf

ASD-W-250-16 - Professional Conduct.pdf

ASD-W-250-16A - Professional Conduct - Acknowledgement Form.pdf

ASD-W-250-16B - Conflict of Interest - Notification Form.pdf

ASD-W-250-21 - Access to Personnel Records.pdf

ASD-W-250-22 - Parent or Legal Guardian Concerns.pdf

ASD-W-309-1 - FSL Programs - Transfer - Exemption.pdf

ASD-W-309-1A - FSL Programs - FSL Change in Program Form.pdf

ASD-W-309-1B - FSL Programs - FSL Request for Exemption.pdf

ASD-W-309-1C - FSL Programs - FSL Request for Entry After Deadline.pdf

ASD-W-311-1 - E-Mail Use - Staff.pdf

ASD-W-311-1A - E-Mail Use - Appendix A - E-MailUserAgreementForm.pdf

ASD-W-319-1 - Intra-District School Placement.pdf

ASD-W-319-1A - Intra-District School Placement - Intra-District School Placement Form.pdf

ASD-W-319-1B - Inter-District School Placement - Appendix B Release From ASD-W Form.pdf

ASD-W-319-2 - Lesson Planning.pdf

ASD-W-319-2A - Lesson Plan Sample.pdf

ASD-W-319-2B - Lesson Plan Sample.pdf

ASD-W-319-3 - Homework.pdf

ASD-W-319-4 - Reporting Student Progress.pdf

ASD-W-319-5 - Retention and Age Appropriate Placement of Students.pdf

ASD-W-319-5A - Application for Retention.pdf

ASD-W-319-6 - Attendance.pdf

ASD-W-321-1 - Admittance to Public School.pdf

ASD-W-321-1A - Admittance to Public School - Application for Returning Grads.pdf

ASD-W-350-1 - Identification of Gifted and Talented Learners.pdf

ASD-W-350-2 - Gifted and Talented Learners - Opportunities.pdf

ASD-W-350-2A - Gifted and Talented Learners - Appendix A - Enrichment Pyramid of Response.pdf

ASD-W-350-2B - Gifted and Talented Learners - Appendix B - Individual Enrichment Plan.pdf

ASD-W-350-3 - Inclusive Education - Accessing Education Support Services.pdf

ASD-W-350-3B - Inclusive Education Accessing Educ Support Appendix B Consent to Release Personal Information.pdf

ASD-W-350-4 - Inclusive Education - Continuum of Education Program.pdf

ASD-W-350-5 - Inclusive Education - Education Support Services Teams.pdf

ASD-W-350-6 - Inclusive Education - Rights and Responsibilities of Parent(s) Guardian(s).pdf

ASD-W-350-6A - Inclusive Education Rights of Parents - Appendix A - Parental Consent Form.pdf

ASD-W-350-6B - Inclusive Educ Rights of Parents - Appendix B - Consent to Release Information.pdf

ASD-W-350-6B - Inclusive Educ Rights of Parents - Appendix B - Release Of Information Form.pdf

ASD-W-350-6C - Inclusive Educ Rights of Parents - Appendix C - Consent to Release Information.pdf

ASD-W-350-7 - Tutoring .pdf

ASD-W-360-1 - Volunteers.pdf

ASD-W-360-1A - Volunteer Sign-Off - Appendix A.pdf

ASD-W-360-1B - Volunteers Criminal Record Check Clearance.pdf

ASD-W-360-1C - Volunteer Driver Sign-Off- Appendix C.pdf

ASD-W-360-2 - Appeal Process.pdf

ASD-W-360-3 - Multiculturalism and Human Rights.pdf

ASD-W-360-4 - Notification of Parents re School Events.pdf

ASD-W-360-5 - Parent - Public Communication of Concerns.pdf

ASD-W-360-6 - Student Contributions to School Publications and Community Newspapers.pdf

ASD-W-360-7 - Student Photographs.pdf

ASD-W-360-7A - Student Photographs Information RTIPPA Consent Form.pdf

ASD-W-401-1 Energy Management.pdf

ASD-W-402-1 - Disposal - Distribution of Damaged Surplus Furniture and Equipment.pdf

ASD-W-402-1A Surplus Furniture and Equipment Removal Form.pdf

ASD-W-406-1 - Playgrounds and Playground Equipment.pdf

ASD-W-407-1A and 1 - Community Use of School Application Form and Policy.pdf

ASD-W-450-1 - Chemicals - Storage and Disposal.pdf

ASD-W-450-2 - Indoor Air Quality Protocols for Schools.pdf

ASD-W-450-2A - Indoor Air Quality Referral Form.pdf

ASD-W-504-1 - Vehicle Idling on School Property.pdf

ASD-W-510-1 - Procedures for Accidents Involving a School Vehicle.pdf

ASD-W-510-1A - Message to Parents.pdf

ASD-W-550-1 - Afternoon School Bus Stops.pdf

ASD-W-550-1A - Afternoon School Bus Stops - Transportation Request Form.pdf

ASD-W-550-1B - Afternoon School Bus Stops - Letter.pdf

ASD-W-550-2 - Closure of Schools After Schools Have Opened for the Day.pdf

ASD-W-550-3 - Co-Curricular Trips.pdf

ASD-W-550-4 - Overnight Sports Trips.pdf

ASD-W-550-5 - School Trips.pdf

ASD-W-550-5A - School Trips Checklist.pdf

ASD-W-701-1 - Protecting Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect.pdf

ASD-W-701-2 - Interviews of Students by Social Workers.pdf

ASD-W-703-04 - Personal Searches.pdf

ASD-W-703-05 - Reporting on Suspected Criminal Activity in Schools.pdf

ASD-W-703-07 - Student Discipline - Extra and Co Curricular Activities.pdf

ASD-W-703-07A - Student Discipline - Extra and Co Curricular Activities - Guiding Principles.pdf

ASD-W-703-08 - Student Discipline - Out-of-School Suspensions.pdf

ASD-W-703-09 - Student Discipline - Time Out and In-School Suspensions.pdf

ASD-W-703-1 - Visitors to Schools.pdf

ASD-W-703-10 - Student Violence Threat Risk Assessment.pdf

ASD-W-703-10A - Student Violent Threat Assessment - VTRA Decision Tree.pdf

ASD-W-703-11 - Violence in School Sport.pdf

ASD-W-703-11A - Violence in School Sport - Sports Incident Report Form.pdf

ASD-W-703-12 - Class Size for Applied Vocational Arts-Technical Classes.pdf

ASD-W-703-13 - Initiations and Orientations.pdf

ASD-W-703-14 - Sexual Violence.pdf

ASD-W-703-14A - Sexual Violence - Sexual Assault Response Protocol.pdf

ASD-W-703-14B - Sexual Violence - Sexual Assault Response Protocol Flowchart.pdf

ASD-W-703-14C - Sexual Violence - Sexual Assault Response Protocol Checklist.pdf

ASD-W-703-14D - Sexual Violence - Age of Consent Chart.pdf

ASD-W-703-14E - Sexual Violence - School Dress Code Bibliography.pdf

ASD-W-703-14F - Sexual Violence - Helpers Information.pdf

ASD-W-703-14G - Sexual Violence - Secondary Wounding.pdf

ASD-W-703-14H - Sexual Violence - Public School Student Survivor's Bill of Rights.pdf

ASD-W-703-2 - Interviews of Students by Law Enforcement Agencies.pdf

ASD-W-703-3 - Non-Instructional Use of Personal Electronic Devices at School and During Instructional Hours.pdf

ASD-W-703-6 - Student Discipline - Detention of Students for Disciplinary Purposes.pdf

ASD-W-704-1 - First Aid and Cleaning Precautions for Dealing with Blood and Bodily Fluids.pdf

ASD-W-704-2 - In-School Health Support Services - Areas for Injured or Ill Students.pdf

ASD-W-704-3 - First Aid.pdf

ASD-W-704-3A - First Aid Requirements.pdf

ASD-W-704-3B - Written Record of First Aid Administered.pdf

ASD-W-704-3C - Contents of First Aid Kits.pdf

ASD-W-705-1 - Communication in a Crisis Situation.pdf

ASD-W-705-1A - Communication in a Crisis Situation Emergency Response.pdf

ASD-W-705-2 - Fire Evacuation and Protection.pdf

ASD-W-705-2A - Public Safety Bulletin Use of Schools for Planned Events - Sleeping and Lodging.pdf

ASD-W-705-2B - Record of Drills at School Level.pdf

ASD-W-709-1 - School Trips - Watercraft and Down-Hill Ski Trips.pdf

ASD-W-750-1 - Pest Control.pdf

ASD-W-750-1A - Pest Control Letter Template.pdf

ASD-W-750-2 - School Health and Safety Committees.pdf

ASD-W-750-2A - School Health and Safety Committee Members.pdf

ASD-W-750-2B - Suggested Inspection Observations.pdf

ASD-W-750-3 - Health and Safety.pdf

ASD-W-750-3A - Health and Safety - Orientation Checklist.pdf

ASD-W-750-3B - Health and Safety - Orientation Training OnSite Acknowledgement Form.pdf

ASD-W-801-01-Privacy Policy.pdf

ASD-W-801-1A-Privacy Policy - Appendix A Privacy Breach.pdf

Revised Guidelines and Procedures for the Care of New Brunswick Student Records.pdf
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