Posts: Making Middle School Easier

8/31/2021 6:54 AM by

afternoon RMS Families!


we begin to prepare for a new school year many families are weaning off summer
days of a very relaxed schedule and setting new routines to start back to
school. As a staff, we  would like to share some tips to set your
child/ren and family up for success. These tips are solely recommendations not

Practice packing a lunch and snacks with your
child/ren. Get your child/ren into a routine of packing their own lunch.
Ensure your child/ren always bring a reusable water
bottle to fill up at our water refill stations.
Practice opening a three digit locker combination lock.
Ensure your child/ren know their bus number to and from
Ensure your child/ren know their phone number and the
phone numbers of important contacts. Ensure your child/ren knows their
address. If you are recent move to the area writing this information down
and putting it in a safe spot in their personal belongings will prove to
be helpful.

Investing in a locker shelf is very helpful for
organizational purposes.
Have all the supplies outlined on the grade
level/program specific supply lists (refer to our RMS website).
Get into a good sleep routine.
Create healthy eating habits.
Ensure time for physical exercise.
Encourage daily reading.
Set up a workspace for your child/ren to complete
school work at home.
Make conversations with your child/ren about their
learning and social life a habit.
Check in with your child and their teachers to build
relationships and make connections.
Allow your child to grow and gain independence by
holding them accountable.
Encourage your child/ren to get involved.
Set up a family calendar or encourage your child to use
a personal organizer/calendar to stay on top of things.

look forward to a great startup at RMS!



Category: Featured News for Special Events
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