Posts: Health Announcement Nov 2nd – 6th , 2020

11/2/2020 8:54 AM by letitia.dalling

natural to have lots of emotions during COVID-19. Here are some tips to keep
you healthy and happy:


Stay active every day by going
for a walk, playing an active video game or dancing around the house

Have fun by doing activities
you enjoy like going outside, reading a book, or making a craft, start
exploring and see what you can find.

Keep a routine with your
sleeping, exercise and healthy eating, even though you may have nowhere to
go it’s important to keep a regular schedule

Keep in touch with friends and
family, even though you are being asked to keep your distance from others
it’s important for our mental health to connect with others using the
phone, social media, or Facetime, find a technology that works best for

Our last tip is to know the
facts about COVID-19 and know how to protect yourself. Remember reaching
out for help is a sign of strength.

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