FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Week at a Glance (Nov. 14-17)
November 09
Week at a Glance (Nov. 14-17)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Nov. 14-17)
 Wednesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Thursday. 
Nightly – read good fit books/Raz-Kids and practice sight words introduced up to this point. 
November Reading Benchmark – in order for your child to meet the benchmark he/she should be reading independently, with good comprehension books at level H.
Words of the Week:  crash, crashes, new, gym, girl, with, thing
Word Family:  -ash.  How many words can you think of that end with the –ash sound?
We will learn about soft g.  The letter g makes the soft sound when it comes before the letters e, i, or y (ie; giraffe, page, stage, etc.)
Writing:  Conventions
This week we will continue to focus on conventions. In order to practice these conventions (sounding out words phonetically, finger spaces, neatness, lower/uppercase letters, periods, etc.) ask your child to write a sentence using one of the sight words this week. For example, have him/her write a sentence using the word girl. Please use lined paper (such as loose leaf), as this is what students are using at school. Check that your child is properly using all of the conventions mentioned above (you do not need to send it in to me.)
We had the good fortune of having Ms. Atkinson, a numeracy lead, visit our classrooms over the last 2 weeks.  She read several math books and really had us using our math skills.
We will continue to apply mental math strategies to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts.  Please continue to practice the following at home:
·       Using doubles to 18 (6+6=12 so 6+7 is 13 – just one more than the double).
·       Making 10 (1+9, 7+3)
·       1 more/1 less than a given number
·       2 more/2 less than a given
If necessary, please continue to practice the previously listed number sense skills. 
Reminders/Important Dates:
           Nov. 13 – No school due to Remembrance Day
·       Nov. 14 – parent/teacher conference sign-up sheet will go home today.  Please return asap- first come, first serve(d).
·       Nov. 20 – Report Cards go home
·       Nov. 23 – Parent teacher conferences (evening)
·       Nov 24 –  Parent teacher conferences (morning), Professional learning in   
                 the afternoon.  No school for students.
·       Dec. 15 – Christmas Concert – 9:00am and 11:00 am
Thank you for your support!
Grade 2 team


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