Posts: Grade 1 March Outcomes

2/25/2019 9:19 AM by stacey.waugh

March –June Math Outcomes:
: Say the number sequence 0 to 100, forwards and backwards; count by 5’s and 10’s to 100 (revisit - by 2’s to 20)
N2: Revisit - Recognize at a glance and name familiar arrangement (subitizing): 1 to 10 objects
N4: Revisit - Represent and describe numbers to 20 (number words to 20)
N3: Revisit - Demonstrate an understanding of counting principles
N7: Demonstrate how a given number can be represented by a variety of equal groups with and without singles
N9: Demonstrate an understanding of addition with answers to 18 and the corresponding subtraction facts
N10: Describe and use mental math strategies for   
      addition and subtraction facts to 18
: Revisit - Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance
PR4: Revisit - Record equalities  
       using an equal sign
SS1: Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing attributes
SS2: Revisit - Sort 3-D
     objects and 2-D  
     shapes using one
     attribute and explain
      the sorting rule
SS3: Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
SS4:Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3_D objects in the environment
Dec. Jan. Feb. March
Writing: GCO 8,9,10
8. Students will be expected to use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and learning; and to use their imaginations. 9. Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes. 10. Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and media products to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.
Trait focus will be determined on where students are struggling and not limited to the following:
Focus – Ideas (Lucy book 1) Ideas, messages, recounts
Conventions: exclamation marks, uppercase letters for names, begin a sentence, places, comma in a date,
Current outcomes we’re working on/reviewing:
Speaking/Listening: GCO 1,2,3
·             2D engage in simple oral presentations and respond to oral presentations and other texts
·             2F use intonation, facial expressions, and gestures to communicate ideas and feelings
·             3B develop the concepts/vocabulary of feelings and an awareness that some vocabulary choices can hurt people           Reading/Viewing: GCO 4, 5, 6, 7  
·             4H select independently, and with teacher assistance, texts appropriate to their interest and learning needs
·             4K use a variety of strategies to create meaning
·             5B engage in the research process with assistance
·             6D express and begin to support opinions about text and the work of authors and illustrators Writing: GCO 8,9,10 8. Students will be expected to use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and learning; and to use their imaginations. 9. Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes. 10. Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and media products to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

Category: Ms. Forde
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