Posts: Grade 1 Week at a Glance (March 25-29)

3/22/2019 12:47 PM by stacey.waugh


Grade 1 Mrs. Waugh 


Week at a Glance (March 25-March 29)




Wednesday Night: Pack Library books to be sent back Thursday.






good-fit books.

 Have him/her provide a retell of the main
events in the story.

Sight Words and Sound Teams.




Words:  than, where, them
highlight on your high-frequency word list).






continue to check for comprehension by having your child answer questions about
the stories he/she reads, as well as retelling the most important events.

will be reviewing using punctuation for reading fluency this week. Students
need to know when to stop/slow down/change their tone of voice depending on the
type of punctuation. Please prompt your child to do so when he/she reads
his/her good-fit books at home.




Writing: mentors and leads


We will be reviewing writing a strong lead by beginning our stories with
a question or dialogue. This week, students will learn another way to grab
their reader’s attention, by beginning their story with an “action lead” or a
“bang”. For example, rather than saying “My friend came over to my house” try
saying “I raced to the door to see who was there.”

will also be discussing how to “paint a picture with words”. For example,
rather than saying She was sad try painting a picture in your reader’s mind by
saying Tears streamed down her cheeks.




Math: Addition
& Subtraction to 12




the following skills:


counting (2s,to 20, 5s, & 10s to 50)

counting with “extras” have 4 groups of 5 out and a group of 3.

facts (0+0 to 10+10)

on with fingers  8+4,for example   hold up 4 fingers and say…8….9,10,11,12

0 and 1 and 2 to a number

up to 3 jumps in your head (ie; 5 + 3)

10 strategy

0 and 1 and 2 from a number

fingers to subtract when you have high numbers (like counting on with fingers
when you add)……12-5=

up to 3 jumps in your head (ie 5 – 3)

“all” from a number (ie; 9-9).      




your child answer missing part addition and subtraction sentences such as: 4 + _ = 7, and  9 - _= 4. If your child is
struggling with this, please go back to using counters as explained below.




are continuing to look at missing parts. We use counters to solve questions
such as: I started with 7 candies. Now I have 3. How many did I eat?  Students should put out 7 counters and start
taking some away until they see there are 3 left, then check to see how many
they took away. This leads to looking at number sentences like 7 -
__ = 3
. Questions like this can also be solved using addition. Students
can ask themselves “How many do I have to add to 3 so I have the 7 candies I started with?”
(part+part=whole)This leads to 3+__=7. For this question students can think “7 is
3 and__?”
If using addition they would hold up 3 fingers or set out 3
counters and see how many more to add to get to 7.




to practice missing part addition and subtraction stories such as: I had
3 books, and a friend gave me some more. Now I have 7. How many did she give
  (Use the same strategies as




Reminders/Important Dates:


Monday, April 1-Report cards
sent home


Thursday, April 4 – Parent
Teacher interviews (afternoon/evening)


Friday, April 5 – Parent
Teacher interviews (morning)/Professional Learning (PM) – No school for




April 11 – The cafeteria
will be offering Easter Dinner for our students. Tickets will be on
sale from March 25th to April 4th in the cafeteria and on the Chartwells
website. Please send a lunch with your child if you are not purchasing a ticket
next week as there will not be anything else available in

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