Posts: Week at a Glance-Sept 9-13

9/6/2019 2:27 PM by cathy.denovan

students are settling nicely into the grade 2 routines.  We are working hard on being good listeners
and kind classmates.  We are getting to
know each other, and learning how to work as a team.



We are starting the year with a review of the 25 “No-Excuse” spelling words
for grade 1.  These are the words that
the children were expected to spell correctly by the end of grade 1.  Please use the sheet that is in your child’s
communication bag to practice spelling the words at home. 



our daily Literacy Block, we are reviewing the “Daily 5” structure.  This structure is dedicated to guide the
students to work independently on various literacy activities, which, in turn,
allows the teacher the opportunity to work with students in small groups with
similar academic needs.  We have started
reviewing Read to Self.  Please ask your
child what the expected behavior is while reading to self.



are also reviewing letter sounds. Please practice at home as well.



are starting our year out with a review of numbers to 20.  I have noticed that several students are still
writing their numbers backwards.  Please
take the time this week to practice proper number formation.  In addition, you can ask your child questions
like what number is one more than 12, one less the 19, etc... 



Reminders/Important Dates:


you have not already done so, please return the Data sheets (purple one and
pink one) and send in the $25 school fee as soon as possible.


cafeteria is open on Monday, September 9. 
If your child is purchasing a lunch, please be sure to send the money in
a labeled envelope or Ziploc bag.


After this week I will not be sending home a hard-copy of our
“Week at a glance”. From now on, I will email it and post it on my teacher page
on the school website. If you do not have internet access and require a
hard-copy, please send me a note and I can continue to send a hard-copy








If you
would like me to use an alternate e mail or you did not receive this as an e mail
(I will send both hard copy and email version today-Friday) please let me know
so I can make the necessary changes.








Category: Mrs. Denovan
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