Posts: ​Grade 2 Curriculum Outcomes for September

9/13/2019 3:07 PM by cathy.denovan

2 Curriculum Outcomes






month we will be introducing and practicing classroom routines for behaviour
expectations, Daily 5 activities, and writer’s workshop.  We are encouraging students to develop good
work habits and to build stamina to work on various individual and group



Speaking and


GCO 1G – Express
opinions and give simple explanations for some of their opinions (I


GCO 1H – Listen
to others' ideas and opinions/ be willing to listen to others without
interrupting/ Participate in sharing time, whole and small group conversations


GCO 3D – Demonstrate
a growing awareness of social conventions such as turn -taking/ following two
step directions/ how to enter a conversation




Reading and


4J – Use
a combination of cues to sample, predict and monitor/self-correct


6C – Make
personal connections to text and share responses in a variety of ways



Writing: GCO 8,9,10


8C-use writing and other forms of
representing for a variety of functions(ex-to ask questions, to generate and
organize ideas, to express feelings, opinion, and imaginative ideas, to inform/communicate
information, to record experiences, to explore learning)


9D-use a variety of familiar text
forms and other media (messages, letters, lists, recounts, role play)


9E-demonstrate some awareness of
audience and purpose (ex choosing particular forms for specific audiences and
purposes, realizing work to be shared needs editing)


10B-use some conventions of
written language(ex spacing, most vowel and consonants are represented,
increasing number of words spelled conventionally, simple sentence structure,
attempt to use punctuation, use uppercase for names, I and sentence beginnings)


10C-demonstrate engagement with
the creation of pieces of writing and other representations (ex-sustain choose
writing in free time, share work, contribute during shared writing, contribute
to observations field trips etc


10D-with assistance, begin using
technology in writing and representing-use a tape recorder to tape a completed
piece of writing or dramatization or oral retelling, use a drawing
program/simple word processing to create illustrations for a group story or to
draw a picture and write a caption







N1: Say the number sequence forward and
backward, 0 to 100 by 2s and 10s using starting points that are multiples of 2 and 10

N2: Demonstrate if a number (up to 20) is even or odd

N4: Represent and describe numbers to 50, concretely, pictorially and symbolically

N5: Compare and order numbers up to

N7: Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 20

N8: Demonstrate and explain the effect of adding zero to or subtracting zero from any number (Do with

N10: Apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic addition facts
to 18 and related subtraction facts: using doubles; making 10; one more, one less; two more, two less; building on a known double


PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of repeating
patterns (three to five elements) by describing, extending, comparing,
creating patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions (numbers
to 100)


SS1: Note:
Introduce informally through morning routine
(Relate the number of days
to a week and the number of months to a year in a  problem-solving context) 

SS7: Describe, compare and construct 3-D
objects, including: cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders, and pyramids

SS8: Describe, compare and construct 2-D
shapes, including: triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles


SP1: Gather

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